There’s been a noticeable change in the weather and the urge to hibernate might be tempting you to miss your exercise classes and stay inside instead. But stopping exercise as we face the colder months is the last thing we should be doing. In fact, exercising now while it’s still mild enough to get outside is a great way to prepare for the colder months and means you are more likely to keep up with exercise through winter.
Exercise to Boost Circulation If you have poor circulation, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the affected arteries is reduced. If you suffer from any symptoms of poor circulation such as chest pains or pain in your legs when walking you should talk to your doctor to discuss appropriate treatment. Regular exercise is great for circulation and heart health - it increases blood flow and gets the heart pumping blood around your body faster and flushes out your arteries. Exercise to Boost your Immune System As we approach cold and flu season your immune system will welcome a helping hand to help fight off the bugs and viruses. Exercise is a great way to boost your immune system and indeed studies found that the response from your immune system is immediate after exercising for 45 minutes. The key here is to make sure you continue to exercise regularly. Take your Workout Outside The cooler temperatures mean you need to warm up well before you start and wear layers that can easily be removed. Try walking, running or cycling for some fresh air and a chance to enjoy your surroundings. If you like meeting up with friends and you’re already quite active then joining a bootcamp class could be just what you need to help keep you motivated through the winter months ahead. If you find it difficult to get out, perhaps due to limited mobility, then there are some great ways to stay active inside your own home. Video tutorials are a great way to get your daily exercise without leaving the house. Set Yourself a Challenge A great way to help ensure you don’t give up after the first hurdle is to set yourself a challenge or target that will see you through the winter. There are often lots of events you can sign up to from walking challenges to swimathons and once you’ve committed to it you are much less likely to give in. You could ask a friend to join you in a challenge- maybe pledge to attend a regular weekly class together. If you have someone to make you accountable you will be more likely to stick to it. Do Something you will Enjoy There’s no point in promising to run every day if you hate running. Doing exercise you dislike will just make you resent all exercise and will make you more likely to give up. So find an activity you enjoy and you will get all the feel-good hormones as well as the improved fitness. So, get ready for winter and get started with your exercise routine now. What are your top tips for staying healthy and active over winter? Let us know in the comments. Contact Amanda for more information on classes, one-to-one training sessions and nutrition advice.
August 2023