The health and safety of our class members is of our highest priority and given the latest guidelines set out by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the UK Government it is with regret we have had to close all our classes until further notice. Exercise Support at Home We will monitor update daily and make changes inline with new information published. It will be a good idea to maintain regular exercise at home where possible. We have a selection on Youtube videos and video we posted to Facebook that you can used as reference for exercising at home, especially if you have had to self isolate. Exercise toys can be replaced with any similar items you have in the home too. Move It Or Lose It Classes The Move It Or Lose It team have promised to publish some FREE online videos that you can use in the comfort of your own home, please check here for updates: FREE Online Videos they also have a Youtube channel that publishes regular videos. They also have a selection of DVD’s that can be purchased online here: Move It Or Lose It DVD's they also plan to do online rentals to keep costs down for those with reduced income. Signs and Symptoms of Coronavirus Please consider the latest guidance regarding signs and symptoms of Coronavirus. Conoravirus Guidelines If you have recently returned from any of the counties most affected by Conoravirus or if you, or a member of your immediate household are unwell and are experiencing a new and persistent cough and have a high temperature you must follow the latest guidance on isolation at home. Are you in the high risk category? Please consider if you or those close to you fall in to the high risk category, please look out for family, friends or those you know who are already isolated and may need additional support like help with food or picking up prescriptions. FREE Support Pack for Older People We know this outbreak will impact so many peoples’ lives so please follow the link below to download the Move It Or Lose it FREE support pack for older people to help you through these difficult times. Last updated 19th march 2020
As we get older exercising and keeping fit can become more difficult- aches and pains, reduced mobility, illness etc all impact on our ability to stay active. But there are lots of things we can do to stay healthy and active and joining a Move It Or Lose It class is a great way to improve mobility and overall health. Staying active as we age is also vital for maintaining independence and the social aspect of exercising at a class helps keep the mind healthy too! Making friends and sharing a joke over a cup of tea is just as important as performing the exercises themselves. Exercise has all kinds of benefits, not just physically but also mentally. The endorphins and positive feelings we get during and after exercise can have an amazing effect on our emotional well being, unleashing our creativity and inspiration. One of Amanda’s regular attendees has been so inspired by her Move It Or Lose It class that she wrote a fantastic poem about it! “What has she got up her sleeve today? Whatever it is - she’ll have her way She smiles and is keen But you know when you’ve been To Essendine class on a Tuesday! Is it tea time yet? No! Keep going That bean bag keeps toing and froing Muscles take a hit Our joints ache a bit But at least the blood is flowing! We’ve mastered another move Amanda’s not stuck in a groove Coz, she’ll change it next week More music she’ll seek In the hope that we might improve! Amanda, we think you’re great No criticism if we’re a bit late We do our best for you The actions- we get through Then it’s tea and back home through the gate” By Francis Wing Francis clearly enjoys her weekly class with Amanda and this has ignited her creativity as well as improving her fitness and mobility. Making new friends and being able to exercise while having fun is fantastic for keeping us motivated and Francis obviously looks forward to her weekly Move It Or Lose It class! Amanda we think you’re great The class at Essendine Village Hall near Stamford, Rutland is held on a Tuesday and consists of 45 minutes of gentle exercise followed by drinks and a chat. |
June 2023